Spiritual Resources

May all Beings be Happy.

May all Beings by Joyful.

May all Beings be in Peace.

Meditation Maps

There’s a number of meditation maps that have been created by a variety of groups, societies and people that have been useful at different points in Solar Life Production’s team members meditation practices and along their own paths. Studies have shown that daily meditation helps to alleviate stress, increase sense of gratitude as well as improve your overall health.

Map of the Path – The Three Mountains

The Three Mountains represent the whole path to liberation: initiations, kundalini, solar bodies, the descent into the underworld, the battles against darkness, sacrifice for others, death, resurrection, and ascension. 

A Meditation that has been utilized to Experience Higher States of Consciousness 

Franklin Merrell-Wolff


By Franklin Merrell-Wolff a philosopher, mathematician, mystic and spiritual teacher

This Meditation was given by Franklin Merrell-Wolff. This talk was given at the Briggs residence in Phoenix, Arizona on Saturday 24 January 1970. Franklin’s experiment to bring listeners to the door of Nirvana. Grab your headphones and meditation cushion.

Spiritual Talk

bernadette roberts


By Bernadette Roberts a former Carmelite nun and contemplative in the Catholic tradition

This talk uses a series of circles to illustrate the journey in terms of consciousness – defined as the whole self-experience and medium of the Divine’s revelation to man. Particular emphasis is given to the journey’s major milestones: first, transcendence of the ego-self and revelation of the True Self in its oneness with God (the Unitive State). Second, the further movement into the marketplace that ultimately ends with the falling away of the True-self and the Unitive State. An overview of this passage reveals how and in what way the ultimate fulfillment of self or consciousness is no-Self or no-Consciousness. 




Where can I learn practical laboratory Alchemy?


1831 SW 170th St
Normandy Park, WA



*Nothing in this information is intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.

(C) 2017-2019 SolarLife Productions. - Liquid Chi™, Vulcan's Treasure™, Hermes Elixir™, Manna Tonic™ are trademark products from SolarLife Productions. 


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