Very soon after I started taking the Merlin's Chalice, I noticed an improvement in my acne. I'm a 35-year-old male who has had chronic acne since I was about 16. I've been into natural health for at least 15 years, and have tried everything under the sun to help with my acne condition. A few things have had a marginal effect, but never anything lasting. Merlin's Chalice is the first thing I have tried that has worked quickly and effectively in helping to clear up my acne

1831 SW 170th St
Normandy Park, WA


*Nothing in this information is intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.

(C) 2017-2019 SolarLife Productions. - Liquid Chi™, Vulcan's Treasure™, Hermes Elixir™, Manna Tonic™ are trademark products from SolarLife Productions. 


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